Not to mention, I forgot what my blog even looked like until I just checked. That's the first problem. The second problem is that when a lot of things happen to me, I can't process it all. I can't look through all my pictures. I'm glad they're there. But I don't even know where to begin picking out the ones I really like. This is simply a lack of discipline. Third of all, my thought process goes something like this (numbered for clarity purposes):
- Wow, it's crazy that none of the countries we went to (or even passed through- i.e., Slovakia) use the Euro. As a result, we got to buy chocolate at the airport with the leftover Czech koruna. (Sidenote: Chocolate with leftover currency is not just a policy, it's a ritual).
- I should eat some of that chocolate.
- Wow, even though I can get Toblerone in America, it tastes super delicious! This seems like it's really bad for my teeth though (as the "almond nougat" is getting stuck in my teeth).
- Perhaps this chocolate is what contributed to my gums hurting in Prague.
- No, wait. I bought this chocolate at the airport on the way home from Prague. That can't be it.
- I probably shouldn't have ignored this gum issue. Aren't there super horrifying gum diseases?
- All I have to do is touch my face and see if it still hurts my gums.
- It was pretty smart of me to realize that it was my gums, and not my face, that hurt when I was touching my cheek.
- No, it took me like a whole day to figure that out. That seems not too smart.
- Cool, my gums don't hurt too much anymore. Note to self: It appears to be okay to ignore any physical pain in hopes that it will go away.
- Note to self again: Scratch that last note. That was not good advice.
- I'm pretty sure my improved gum health means I should be rewarded with a burrito tomorrow. Deal.
[Here I have a picture from almost all the cities I visited. Missing: Kutná Hora. Pictured in order: Warsaw (at Resort Cafe), Zurich, Gdańsk, Poznań, Zakopane, Krakow, Prague, Budapest]