I'm feeling like a Bears game today, but unfortunately, there is none. Instead, I think I'll try to do some cooking, studying, and cleaning. The past week, I have been haphazardly falling asleep before showering, brushing my teeth, etc. and I have no idea what's going on. Just knocking out!
Have you ever heard the idea: "The days are long, but the years are short"? In an effort to keep track of each week, I thought I'd share all the things that have made up my week or stumble upon across the internet.
1. On Friday, I finished reading this book. I think it's my soulmate, to the point of not wanting to allow someone I was talking to borrow it, at least until I got a chance to write down the entire book in case I were to never get it back. 2. The Magnetic Fields' 69 Love Songs and Sara Bareilles' Kaleidescope Heart. I've been listening on Grooveshark, which is awesome to listen to songs in an unlimited capacity, from what I've seen. Although I love so many of the songs on Kaleidescope Heart, I think The Light and Hold My Heart are my favorites on the album.
3. Dreaming of traveling. "Are you going anywhere? Leaving the country?" Not right now, but I am thinking about trips, saving money, and road trips that I can take now. [image from weheartit.com]
5. I found these on Etsy, but I can't remember from where, and for that, I am sorry. 6. I do't know why, but I love this image. The rings? The dog?[The Selby]
6. I've always loved this quote.
7. Cool print. 8. My friend Rob. We always, always have a good time. Apparently, I have a sign on my back that reads "Will help move for pumpkin spice lattes and sushi." Also, interestingly, at least five of my friends have moved this past month, within Chicago. It must be in the air. I'm so glad Rob packed... you would think packing is an inherent part of moving. However, I am here to inform you that some people merely designate that their booze will be riding in the passenger seat... and that's the extent of their moving plan.
9."I believe a strong woman may be stronger than a man,particularly if she happens to have love in her heart. I guess a loving woman is indestructible." -John Steinbeck (Bravery)
10. Fall fashion. Always. And forever. Sweaters/knits. Post coming up soon.
#10, YES! The fall here has been wonderful... The weather's been perfect everyday for the last 8 days and maybe longer it's just that I haven't counted. In the back of my mind is your book request and I haven't gotten back to you because I'm not discerning enough of a reader, yet. At this point I'm a carnivorous reader... but slow. But rest assured, I'll send along my list. What recs have you gotten?!?! Also I'm sorry for having been MIA. We have a lot to catch up on and I don't feel your absence as much because of the wonderful things you write, especially here. But please give me your address, and we'll phone date this week too. Also, we need to make better NYC memories. As unforgettable as last time was... We can do better <3
#10, YES! The fall here has been wonderful... The weather's been perfect everyday for the last 8 days and maybe longer it's just that I haven't counted. In the back of my mind is your book request and I haven't gotten back to you because I'm not discerning enough of a reader, yet. At this point I'm a carnivorous reader... but slow. But rest assured, I'll send along my list. What recs have you gotten?!?! Also I'm sorry for having been MIA. We have a lot to catch up on and I don't feel your absence as much because of the wonderful things you write, especially here. But please give me your address, and we'll phone date this week too. Also, we need to make better NYC memories. As unforgettable as last time was... We can do better <3
Also, did you put up #4 because Yoco is almost Joco?
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