This is not my view, seeing as I do not live in a CTA Blue Line stop (and for that I am thankful), but it's a picture I took last fall (apparently September 13).
Not only for the almost-view, but it is one of those mornings in which the sun is attempting to break through the clouds but not being so successful. I find it perfect. And furthermore, waking up to e-mails about the fun plans in the works for tonight and an e-mail entitled "Bella!" ("Beautiful")
And also knitting for half an hour to this song on repeat:
But mostly, waking up to friends asking whether a goatee should be grown out or shaved and about second dates being bad in bed. Right, because of my excessive knowledge of facial hair, I am the person to ask about that; or maybe the question was posed due to my friend's knowledge of my extremely strong opinions on facial hair. And then I get a text that will throw a wrench into the kid's party I'm running this weekend and it's back to reality and off to work. One October morning.
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