Saturday, September 17, 2011

cough drops

The placebo effect is real.

Rewind to about 24 hours ago. I was at Walgreen's looking at Ricola cough drops. The previous night, I had bought this great flavor (the exact flavor escapes me right now). It comes in a pomegranate-colored (that's a color) bag. As I looked at the different flavors trying to figure out if I wanted to try a new one or get the same one. This is pretty much my typical dilemma, no matter where I am or what I am doing. I'm looking at the packaging when I suddenly notice that most of them say Cough Suppressant. Duh, I think to myself... that's the point. But then I begin to wonder why the one I had bought did not say Cough Suppressant on it. Furthermore, why did it say Vitamin C Supplement?

Yes. I had been taking Vitamin C, thinking they were cough drops. I think I had 14 in a day. The thing is, it usually stopped my coughing within three seconds. My friend, Saad, who was with me was not to let me live this down. I was saved only by the fact that in passing, he asked me if I was getting the Honey Herb flavor. Except that he pronounced it "Oney Erb." Overdone silent H's.

Yeah, it's not a good idea to try to buy things after studying for many, many hours.

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