Saturday, September 14, 2013

though our lives are very humble, what we have we have to share

Just a few of the things that make my world go 'round, the love and the light.

It's kind of an arbitrarily important day for me, so I guess I'm feeling kind of sentimental about some of our best decisions we've ever made.

It was another gorgeous fall day. I heard a dad tell his daughter, "If you leave the pumpkins in the car, you can have a doughnut." Ahhh fall, the time of year that compromises with your parents are totally worth it. I went back "home" and spent the day with my mom:

  1. doing yoga
  2. petting dogs downtown and in general talking to people about their dogs (one dog who looked like Abby started following me as I was walking away from her owner, she was welcome to come)
  3. eating Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza (deep dish pizza will be my vice for the rest of my life... and chocolate, and burritos, and popcorn)
  4. going to the library, which must be done whenever i come back.
  5. going to the dentist... i tried to convince my mom that i don't need to go to the dentist anymore, didn't work.
  6. napping so hard I woke up with a headache and missed a few hangouts with friends. will be doing some profuse making up for that tomorrow.
  7. watching les miserables with my mom... i loved it. it was gorgeous.

1 comment:

Christielli said...

I am so glad that I tried Lou Malnati's last time I was in Chicago. It was delicious!