Tuesday, December 9, 2014

16 years ago...

... a doctor published a study. It was completely made up, and it made us all sicker." This. I love this so much. It's interesting because people reject vaccinations for their kids under the guise of "thinking for yourself," but then they site sources like naturalnews.com for information. I respect that people want the best for their kids, but I'm not sure that "thinking for yourself" is the best approach when compared to case-control studies and you know, numbers.

They say, Think Before You Vaccine. They say, Do Your Homework. They say they don't trust Big Pharma. I don't think finding random websites to glean information has ever been an acceptable way of doing homework. And I almost can accept not trusting news sources, but in that case, consistency would dictate that you wouldn't trust the random ones either.

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