Thursday, November 22, 2012

autumn reflections

These pictures are just some views from around here the second week of October. I was in the midst of exams and just stopped to breathe. It's my perpetual downfall, this looking around taking it all in thing. November was a good month for me. Lots of time spent with kids (at home and in clinics), knitting, tea, movies, and reading (Mansfield Park by Jane Austen). There was cooking and trying new places to eat, and friends. We are still working out some things, but doing so happily and feeling lucky for the opportunity.

I saw a lot of movies in October and November. Because I traditionally haven't been good at really sitting down and committing a few hours to a movie, I'm really proud of my list:

Boondock Saints
The Tourist
How Do You Know
Slumdog Millionaire

1 comment:

Christielli said...

Beautiful pictures, and it does sound like you are having a wonderful fall. Good work on the movies. I find watching movies provides oneself with extra knitting time (well, except for theatre movies), so that time is a double-gift to yourself.