Thursday, February 19, 2015

adoption announcement

Bandit didn't really have an official adoption day I guess, but sometime in December, we wholeheartedly decided we would want to take on this problem dog (said affectionately) into our lives forever. There isn't a single day that he doesn't cause some form of stress or destruction (recently he has been reaaaal bad), but we love this silly goose more than we ever thought possible. 

Dear Bandit, I love it when you are having hilarious puppy dreams and hide under the table when you are supposed to be going to your crate... only when you know we are leaving. I think it is really gross when you lick your butt for like 10 minutes straight. You can sleep in my bed forever anyway and fight over my blanket. I promise you lots of adventures for the rest of your days and to protect you if you need that sort of thing. Please stop grabbing my sweatpants... while I am wearing them. 

Dear Alex, I love that you love Bandit as much as I do and your impression of him actually being an old man in a dog body. I think it's really gross when... well, several of your habits, but thank you for making me mac and cheese whenever I really want it. I promise you lots of adventures too, and also to remember to make time without Bandit and to not ignore you for our dog... every now and then.

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