Friday, October 28, 2011

soon it will be cold enough to build fires

It's 1:23 AM and I plan on watching the Respiratory Physiology lecture that happened this morning as I fall asleep on the couch. Reasons it's okay to sleep on the couch (and I mean all night, as blanket and pillow have been transferred to the couch, not a nap): none. People who understand why I am enjoying sleeping on the couch: none. Reasons I'm going to bed 3 hours earlier than usual: I'm not getting anything done tonight and furthermore, Confessions, Part II by Usher is stuck in my head. And I really can't relate to my chick on the side telling me she's three months pregnant and she's keeping it.

[image from here]

1 comment:

Christielli said...

I do the couch sleeping thing too! There's something just so, umm, daring about it? I can't explain why every so often I spend an entire night on the couch.