Sunday, November 27, 2011

kicking off christmas?

I spent Thanksgiving with with an old friend's family. We watched Tangled and the TV show Revenge (it's addicting). We spent a lot of time laughing, cooking, and eating together. Now it's time for some studying. Two more weeks of school left! I'm very excited.

This also means it's officially the Christmas season. I painted my nails Trophy Wife by Essie in celebration. If there are a few simple things I like, it's the Christmas season (the entire season, not just the day), colorful nails (I think it may help me stay awake), and cool nail polish names. It's not something I do a lot, because I end up having to do it a few times since I inevitably don't wait long enough for it to dry and it gets chipped and dented somehow. New strategy: paint and then go to sleep. So far the only way that has worked. Plan B: Get disposable income, go to nail salon. Although I feel like that's not something I would really do anyway. Make that Plan F.

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