Thursday, January 24, 2013

what became of the day and the pictures

So I absolutely know how to take pictures that are not via Instagram.Unfortunately, I don't know how to get any pictures from my phone onto my computer. Rather, I think I know but I don't know that I know. Furthermore, as I attempted to upload pictures from my camera (the actual one) onto my computer about an hour ago, I somehow deleted all but 7-ish of all the pictures I took since October. This includes: pictures of the pumpkin we carved (it was the Chicago skyline, by which I mean, some rectangles of differing sizes next to each other- no, ambition is not our fault), some cool date pictures (like, actually cool), Roland the dog and other pictures from Miami, scarf pictures, and some of projects. I decided to try not to be upset about it since I'm sure much more upsetting things will be happening in the near future. I instead poured through some cookbooks and I'm now just about ready to start thinking about dinner. So anyway, that's why Instagram is happening. I decided to embrace it and the fact that it's helping me keep up with pictures and life.

Here is my Instagram. I don't know anybody on it with the exception of one person because I don't want to connect it to my Facebook and also I don't know how to find anybody- am I Instagram-profiling if I search for certain people that I feel might have Instagram? Anyway, feel free to follow, although I'm not sure why you would want to, as the pictures appear accidentally taken and the commentary isn't snarky.

I was pretty excited that it started snowing yesterday. But then this morning outdid yesterday's efforts- there were beautiful, large, puffy flakes coming down and I caught Alex gravitating toward the window more than once. He came over this morning to make pumpkin cookies with me (recipe forthcoming). We also made some of the new tea that I got. It was wintry, peaceful, warm (thanks, oven; no thanks to you, heater), and all felt right in the world.

In the last picture, Alex's hair? The best. I try not to make a big deal of it because I am obviously too cool and his head already too big for that, but his morning hair, which often becomes his whole day hair, is the best. He tells people it's his hat hair but I suspect it's just his hair.

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