Thursday, January 26, 2012

#3 and #4: there's so much world to see

from here
I'm pretty much always thinking about going places, but recently some of my friends have begun planning their trip to Costa Rica in May/June. I was so close to going. We have contacts there and a purpose for going, although no rhyme or reason is really needed to go anywhere. I decided it wouldn't work out since I'm going to Poland in July and it would make more sense to save money for that experience. One major element I considered too was traveling with people. There are many advantages to traveling alone, with one other person, or a small/big group. My favorite is definitely traveling with one other person. It's the simplest. I like going places by myself too, but the one time I took a trip and felt the most alone (although I wasn't totally alone), I felt lonely. I kept wanting to poke the non-existent person next to me and say, "Hey! Isn't that cool?" I loved the feeling of being independent and getting to see whatever I wanted to, rather than having to navigate uncertain waters with other people to figure out what the less-than-optimal compromise might be for the day's plans. But I need someone to poke. Someone to be in awe with me. Someone to help me remember. Traveling with someone totally compatible with you is amazing and you build unique memories.

My dream is to take my mom somewhere. She is adventurous, but so incredibly selfless that she seems to always be helping me find tickets and doing research- but not going places herself. I used to think that, since she has never forced planned her own trip, that maybe she enjoyed the planning stages. I can't believe I ever thought that; how dense. She never wanted to impose herself on my plans and always thought too prudently about saving money to go somewhere on her own. My goal this summer is to change that. I've already invited her several times and plan to continue to do so. There is a good chance that she won't be able to get out of work, but if not this summer, then I do hope to someday be able to help her fulfill her travel bug.

My other dream is to go on a trip with someone I care about, travel the world, if you will. Most importantly, I want to take someone to Taiwan, specifically Penghu, where my parents grew up, and one of the most beautiful places I can imagine. I don't know who it will be yet and I think it'll be a long time away, but hopefully it's one of those things that when you know, you know.

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