Friday, January 20, 2012

goal reflections

I've been posting about some goals that I have had the past few weeks or so. I was thinking that I should reflect back and think about my progress each week. But that didn't work out so well, so I am now left to think about the past three weeks.

Up until this past week, I was doing a pretty good job reading every day, like I was hoping to. I'm finished reading Why We Believe in God(s) and started Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. These past four days, however, I started going back to my old ways of being too immersed in school to read. That's not even a reason; I just haven't allocated my time the way I want to. My goal to eliminate unnecessary and uninspiring internet usage should help. I have days when I'm really good about not wasting time on-line and days when I'm not so good at it. I think this is the main goal I should focus on. I'm not against using the internet so much as I am using it for things that aren't ultimately that interesting to me. There are so many resources and articles that I am willing to spend time on to learn more about thought-provoking topics, or even to check out restaurants and programs- to learn about the world around me. I will be really consciously looking at this issue because I think it's one of my biggest ones.

Health-wise, I've been sticking to my plan to work out twice a week. It's not a lot, but in one week, I worked out the same amount that I worked out the entire past semester. So I feel really good about that and want to maintain this trend. As for eating healthy, I'm doing okay, but could do better. I need to make more interesting food that is delicious and healthy. I've been working on eating proper portions, but I eventually want to work on eating consistent hours and not going forever without eating, and then being super hungry and eating a lot. I think I will have to think more about specifically how to achieve this goal.

I've also been attempting to do simple things that seem to come naturally to other people but must be labeled under "Goals" for me. Things like doing my laundry when the laundry basket is full... not when I run out of clothes, which is never. Especially when I think you can wear pants a few times before needing to wash them. Also things like packing my backpack and lunch the night before so I don't forget things in the morning and am less rushed running out the door. I haven't been so good at this. I've done it maybe four or five times in the past three weeks and it's been helpful. Today I forgot my anatomy scrubs when I didn't get everything together. I did however, do a pretty good job of doing my dishes right away and catching up on laundry (and folding it, which is also key to not having my room look like a massive explosion). These little tasks will make my life better. So far I've been starting to work out how to use little chunks of time more effectively.

[image from here]

1 comment:

Christielli said...

Getting my laundry is done is a goal for me too, so you're not the only one!