Sunday, January 1, 2012

some inspiration

[image from here]

I found some inspiring sentiments for today to consider for some goals, but more specifically, general life themes. (Also, I love the calm of this picture)

"Develop an interest in life as you see it: the people, things, literature, music--the world is so rich, throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls, and interesting people. Forget yourself." -Henry Miller

When asked in Matchbook what advice she would give girls to live interesting, stylish, and adventurous lives, she responded, "First, to have a companion in life to share things in life is fantastic. It can be a husband, friend, a partner. That is my way to energize. Second is... to explore, to travel, go to museums, go to films, find beautiful vintage books that are meaningful. Make your individuality and your identity strong--that not only will make you different, it also gives you ideas to create something that is different, and that is very important."

Also, an article from a traveler through some of eastern Europe that I like.

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