Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have a professor who is like this. He drank his first sip of water ever during a lecture this past fall semester during a 7-hour lecture. He takes breaks for our sakes. His knowledge is staggering. As is his kindness. Two things really stand out to me about him:

  1. His conscientious approach toward everything he does. I suspect this is also how he knows so much Anatomy. But also, he is conscientious about his relationships and every aspect of his life. For example, he has been known to respond to e-mails extremely thoughtfully and punctually. As someone who at times struggles with all the ways that I am to keep in touch with people or that I can be contacted, I often feel overwhelmed. For the past few years, I've been attempting to be much more on top of all my correspondence. I can't even imagine the volume of responses that are required of him but he handles each one with so much care, it astounds me. This is a small thing, but to me, it reflects the standard to which he holds himself and respect he shows others. There is no excuse-making.

  2. The grace and compassion with which he treats everyone. It doesn't matter who he is (a badass), or who you are (probably less badass), he takes the time to help you with whatever you need, or at least to feel heard. He and his wife taught us tango this past month and not only have the dance lessons been very fulfilling, but the personal lessons I've taken away have been invaluable to me. For example, when I was stuck late in, ironically, Anatomy Lab, and sent him an e-mail, his response was overwhelming. The same applies for the thank you e-mail he and his wife sent our class for the flowers, collage of our tango class, and gift certificate to a restaurant they'd been wanting to try. 

I feel that my experience with him and his wife was just the reminder I needed to continue all my boring goals of 2012 to be on time, to prepare for things earlier, to exercise, sleep, waste less time doing pointless things on the internet- because these habits become part of your character. I have a long way to go, but also recognize that I've already come a long way. Maybe this is what growing up and growing into your responsibilities are about?

[image from here]

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