Saturday, January 7, 2012

thanks hal

I didn't even know what a meme was until this past summer, but luckily, my friend Hal always sends me e-mails with memes that he thinks I will find funny. Recently, with medical school, I am constantly open High Expectations Asian Dad e-mails (I don't remember the exact name of that meme). I used to try to respond to the rest of his e-mail and ignore the meme. However, I have to admit that they have started to grow on me. And they helped me understand this proposal, with was I thought was really cute.

It ended on a much higher note than these following proposals. I feel really, really bad for these guys. I don't know that it was necessary for the girl to literally run away from him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This "Hal" guys sounds really cool. I bet he's, like, this totally awesome person. You're a lucky girl for getting so many memes that are funny!

--Anonymous. :P