Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bucket List #6: Visit African Countries

(my orchid)

Yesterday, I took a 3 hour seminar class about Global Health and Humanitarian Relief. We covered Chernobyl, the genocide in Rwanda, and earthquake in Haiti. I'll be spending the rest of this week researching the Darfur conflict for next week's culmination session when we're presenting what we've learned about disasters, both natural and man-made. This is definitely an interesting reprieve from a lot of science-heavy courses, although I love science. I put this book, The Graves are Not Yet Full, on hold at the library. Just something I was thinking about yesterday and this morning.

Visiting some African countries is definitely on my bucket list. It would be completely different from anything I'd ever done or seen. This one is very vague for now, but with further research, will become more specific regarding exactly what it is I want to do there.

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